Namago Yoga Man

Photo of Joe by Ben Larrabee

Photo of Joe by Ben Larrabee

Hi, I'm Joe – Namago Yoga Man. Ashleigh is my wife, the educator and yoga instructor.

And this is our new endeavor, Namago.Co!

Why Namago?

I used to have a joke at the end of yoga class, when an instructor would sometimes draw out the process of bringing the class out of a particularly lengthy savasana:

"Slooowlly, begin to bring your attention back to your bod-dy. [Long pause.] Lift the fingers on your left hand slow-ly one-by-one off of the mat, and start to use your left arm to lift your hand very gently, while starting to pick up your elbow as you slow-ly lay your arm across your bod-dy. [Very long pause.] When you feel ready, take your time whilst twisting your torso as you start to shift your weight to your right side and prepare to roll, slow-ly onto your right, side."
[To Do: Hire a real writer and commission six paragraphs of David Foster Wallace-style prose describing in exacting detail each individual instruction sent to the musculoskeletal system.]

The joke was that after all of the gentle yet drawn-out instruction, the teacher would say, at last, "Namaste."

And I would say, "Namaste? Namago! I've got some email to do..."

The joke may be unoriginal, but I found it amusing enough to ponder for awhile. One night I wrote the moniker: Namago Yoga Man, realizing it was a palindrome – and boom.

Plus, the .com domain was available, so of course I registered it! (

But I've always been partial to short domains, so I also registered while I was at it.

And thus, the idea was born... well, actually it was just the domain at that point, and I wasn't really sure what to do with it for awhile.

Meanwhile, Ashleigh and I have been wishing to “take the show on the road,” so to speak. We've been following nomadic couples, families, and individuals on YouTube who make videos about living full-time in their RV, van, truck camper, overland adventure vehicle, or boat.

And as of this New Year, we have decided to do it.

We're going to begin at the beginning – by documenting the beginning. The part when it goes from idea to action.

And so we needed a site on which to document our journey, and Namago was sitting there waiting for us. So, here we go!

Introducing... Ashleigh & Joe: Namago.Co!