One of our very first and most persistent mantras was (and still is) “– for now.”
With the clack of a latch, a cabinet closed up; upon a clip or a clasp, a bin snapped shut, some random item stowed – avowably, at least, “for now.”
Where should the laundry bag go? And the olive oil bottle that’s a little too tall for the kitchen cabinet? We find that we naturally suffix a sentence with this mantra (“for now”) when needing to make more decisions than energy or physics will allow: “Let’s put this here for now.”
“For now” can be empowering - it gets you started! It takes you from hemming and hawing, weighing and deliberating, to being decisive. Time is short and strange and always moving, and this van life journey is not unlimited (“one more year” we say, “for now”)… so go on, git!